Detailed sleep info, occupancy policies, and room specifics

Providing detailed information about the sleeping configuration, maximum occupancy policy, bedrooms, and room details is crucial for attracting the right guests and ensuring a smooth booking process.

First off, you'll need to specify a maximum occupancy policy for your property. This will help ensure that the total number of people staying at your accommodation does not exceed the capacity it was designed for - both for safety reasons and to prevent damage from occurring due to overcrowding.

Additionally, let's go over basic sleeping configuration. You can provide information on the type of beds at your property (Room details), such as twin beds, queen size beds, or king size beds. You can list all available bed types so that potential guests can identify which one best suits their needs. For example, if your property offers two queen size beds and one twin bed, you should make sure to include both options in your listing. This will give your guests the information they need to make an informed decision when selecting your rental.

The last step is adding details regarding each bedroom in your rental home or apartment - including its size and amenities like air conditioning or a television set (if applicable). You can add this in the comments.

Potential guests will want as much information as possible before booking so that they know exactly what they’re getting into when they arrive at your accommodation. Make sure all descriptions are accurate and up-to-date; doing so will increase trust with potential customers and boost bookings overall!

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