My Review of my trip to Cano Cristales

I just finish my trip to Cano Cristales, I must say it was one of the best trips of my life, as far as service and experience. I'm not what you may call an avid outdoors type, but I do try to visit the national parks of each country I visit. In DR I visited the Caves of Cabarete and the 27 Charcos, I loved both.

So while on vacation in Medellin, I wanted to try something different that the usual trip to Guatape. I went online and discovered Cano Cristales. I read that the only way to get there is thru a town called La Macarena, a short plane ride from Bogota.

After more research I decided to book my trip through Adriana from the San Nicolas Hotel. (

I made the right choice! Adriana and her staff are excellent.

The Trip

I flew out of Herrera Airport the small airport in the middle of Medellin. The Airline was Satena. it was a 45 min flight to Bogota, then another 45 min flight to La Macarena. Adriana met me at the airport and walked me to the Hotel.

Hotel San Nicolas

The Hotel is not a luxury hotel, but you shouldn't expect that due to the nature of the trip. It's very clean, well maintained, has AC and Cable TV and an excellent staff.
It has a Cabin feel to it, I really enjoyed my stay there. I highly recommend it to anyone.

La Macarena is a nice town, very small approximately 10 streets By 10 streets. But it has a nice economy. There are several Restaurants, Stores, 2 Schools, a Hospital, Nightclub, pretty much everything a town should have. The next town is a 7 hour drive a away. The people are all friendly.

Cano Cristales
The trip is broken down into 4 phases.
First phase is checking into the tourism office, where you receive your wristband which grants you permission to enter the national park. There is a Video you have to watch, explaining the rules and regulations of the park (No drones, No sunscreen, no insect repellant, No paper or plastic)
Then you meet your guides, I'm a spanish speaker, so it wasn't a big deal to me but There are english and spanish guides, we had both, but if you don't speak spanish, you should request an english speaking guide.

Phase  2
The Boat Ride, You get on a skinny speed boat, that takes you up the river, there is a military check point, they check the names versus the people and are allowed to proceed. It's a 15-20 min ride up the river which is super cool. I was excited the entire time.

phase 3

There is a second check point, where they search your bags for restricted items (mentioned above) Then its time for the off road vehicle portion, Its a super bumpy off road experience, for about 30 mins. Until you reach the entrance to the park.

Phase 4

The Hike, this what you should be prepared for. It's an 8k hike from start yo finish, which doesn't sound like much, but you will get a crazy workout, it's blazing hot, then it rains, then its blazing hot again. But the Views, The Rivers, The Waterfalls are gorgeous and breathtaking, I've never seen such natural beauty. The guides explain each section you're visiting, the history, everything. We ate lunches packed in leaves, under the waterfall, ah may zing!
Take a waterproof camera, but make sure its tethered to you or you will lose it, I almost lost mine and 2 people or you will lose it, I almost lost mine and 2 people actually did.

You have to dress appropriately for the trip, I went and bought some actual hiking clothes from northface and Im glad I did. you will sweat, alot, it will be hot. it will be wet. So sweat wicking, waterproof and quick drying clothes will make the trip more comfortable. Make sure you bring plenty of water. I brought half a gallon in two thermos'and was finished halfway through the trip. The New Yorker in me, found some emergency medical technicians and bribed then to give me water. This trip was definitely amazing, a once in a lifetime experience. I suggest you go and have a great time. 

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