Just like any other language, learning Spanish needs dedication, commitment, and perseverance to learn. While most people would laugh in your face if you tell them you want to learn how to speak Spanish in 3 months, we’re here to tell you that nothing is impossible! If you’re motivated enough, you will find no problem in learning Spanish. Let’s look at a few simple tips to achieve this goal, shall we? Keep reading!
Assemble your resources and map out a plan
Do you find it easier to learn in a classroom-style environment? Why not enroll in a language class for 3 months or lesser? You can find several colleges offering inexpensive language classes or local community programs too. Buy a basic Spanish dictionary and download one on your smartphone. Mobile applications like “Duo lingo” and several others make understanding a language fun and quicker. Learn the essentials first. The Internet is full of free resources and DIY guides; befriend technology for the better! Just start somewhere.
Practice 24/7
Practicing what you learn is key! Try conversing with friends, family, or even your dog in Spanish. Stand in front of a mirror as you sound out your basic vowels, verbs, and grammar. Start having mini conversations with someone who knows the language or even better, a native!
Cultural immersion
If your budget allows, the best way to learn Spanish would be to fly to a country where the people speak Spanish. You could also surround yourself in an environment where everyone only speaks Spanish. Spanish music, films, and Spanish-speaking people are a great tool to acquaint yourself with the language at a lightning-fast pace.
Plan a game plan and set your goals; In 3 months, you will be easily conversing in your newly gained language. Cool, huh?