Phishing Emails at Houfy

Fraudsters may use a practice called phishing to try to obtain your sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, and credit card information. These fraudsters impersonate legitimate companies or people, sending emails and links that attempt to direct you to false websites, or infect your computer with malware. Houfy will never ask you for your password or ask you to download any programs.

Important: Houfy has several email domains, which are determined by our email service provider (ESP). We can assure you that emails from are not phishing emails.

Possible warning signs of a phishing message:

  1. Messages containing bad spelling, grammar, and that aren't addressed to you personally.
  2. Messages asking you to act immediately.
  3. Messages asking you to open an attachment to install a software update.

Learn more about protecting yourself from fraudulent messages or what to do if you've already clicked on a bad link or attachment. In addition, be cautious of third-party sites offering assistance with our products.

To report phishing emails you've received, please forward the suspicious email to

If you receive a message on Houfy and believe it's a phishing attempt, you can report it by clicking the

More icon and selecting one of the below options:

  1. It's spam or a scam
  2. It's a scam, phishing, or malware

Once you complete the above steps, you will no longer see the message in your inbox. You'll also have the option to block the member.

Below are some examples of phishing emails:

1 Subject: Account Suspended


Dear [user's name],

We are currently upgrading our server and a temporary limitations has been placed on your Houfy account.

Please continue with the link below to update and remove the temporary hold on your Houfy account and connect to professionals around the world.

Continue [phishing site URL]

We are sorry for the inconvenience


- Houfy

2 Subject: Houfy Closing & Termination of your Account


Dear [recipient email address],

Your Account will be locked due to failure to re-verify and confirm ownership.

Kindly Click here [phishing site URL] to verify and get more secured to continue using our service.

Ignorance will lead to temporary suspension of your service provision,

NOTE: *This is a one time user verification carried out in purpose to provide a more secured platform and shut down robot or malicious users created in purpose of spamming and other fraudulent activities.*

Best Regards,

(C) 2021 Houfy Security. All rights reserved.

This automated mail was sent to [recipient email address]. Replies sent to this email address cannot be answered.

3 Subject: Houfy Profile Security Alert


Houfy Security Alert

Hi Houfy User: [user's email address]

Your Houfy Account Profile Has an unverified Status On our Security System

Your Houfy account needs to be verified Urgently to prevent Phising and protect You from Spam .

Failure To Verify Your Account [user's email address], Your Account Will Be Terminated As we have Strong Anti-Spam Policy.

Please See Our TOS

Protect Your Linked Account Profile Now

[phishing site URL]

Follow Instructions in Link To Secure Your Houfy Account

Protect Your Houfy Profile [phishing site URL]

You are receiving Houfy emails. Unsubscribe [phishing site URL]



Please confirm your email address to get full access to Houfy.


Your Houfy account is recommended for upgrade by Houfy.

Confirm your email[phishing site URL]

You're receiving this email because you (or someone using this email) created an account on Houfy using this address.

Didn't sign up for Houfy? Close account

Houfy has also joined the DMARC organization with other industry leaders like Facebook, Google, and PayPal, with the goal of fighting phishing and spam. In accordance with DMARC standards, Houfy digitally signs all emails we send. This allows participating email providers to identify our legitimate emails and throw away the phishing and/or spam emails. While most major email providers such as Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, and AOL adhere to DMARC standards, a number of providers haven't implemented it. Additionally, messages that come from Houfy will contain a security footer to help you verify if they're authentic.

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