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View Square Credit Card Transactions on Square Dashboard

Whether you are sending email invoices through Square or receiving payment through Houfy using the Square's eCommerce integration, all transactions will be visible from your Square account dashboard. i.e. Sign into your Square account to see the transactions.

View Square Credit Card Transactions on Square Dashboard

Below are some screen shots showing transactions recorded in the month of August from my Square account. I have 2 business locations, but only have transactions for one of them in August. My correlating Houfy listing is #1545. I don't have any other eCommerce integrations other than Houfy.

Display your Square Transactions

On your Square Dashboard Home screen, the left panel will display several icons. Choose the "Transactions" icon. You can then choose filters to limit what you display in the transaction report.

The screen shot below shows 4 of the 5 transactions that I have in Square for the month of August. I've redacted the dollar values and names that I didn't want to share here. Note that the colorful additions are mine to help explain what's shown.

On the upper right of this screen, my business name is listed. Although my filters allow "2 locations" (the 2 locations I've created where each represents a specific rental property), I didn't have any transactions for one of my properties. The information in the green box of each transaction holds my location name. This location name is the one I assigned to my Houfy #1545 property.

View Square Credit Card Transactions on Square Dashboard

Square Invoice Payment Compared to Houfy Payment

In this example report above, the first 2 transactions are payments I received and the last 2 transactions are refunds I issued. In each group, the first is via the Houfy eCommerce integration and the second is related to email invoicing using the Square interface directly.

On the Houfy payment, the "ROIRZ..." value (underlined in blue).is the reservation code as generated and stored with this reservation in Houfy. I can also see that this payment is for my Houfy #1545 listing. But to understand for which reservation these payments and refunds correlate, I need to click on that transaction to get additional details as recorded by Houfy.

For my email invoiced payment, the transaction includes the invoice number that I can look up on "Invoices". Plus it also includes the full subject line of my email invoice. I've underlined that value in red.

On the Houfy refund, the report description indicates it's a refund but no real details. To understand for which reservation this refund correlates, I have to click on the transaction to see the details.

On the refund I issued via Square dashboard, the "item" from the invoice that I'm refunding is listed (underlined in red). But again, it's not evident for which invoice/guest this refund is being issued and I'll have to open the details by clicking this transaction.

See Transaction Details

Let's look at the Houfy payment transaction. I just clicked on the transaction and a detail window opens on the right allowing me to see most of the transaction report at the same time. I know which transaction I'm looking at because the report row that I selected is now shown as white lettering on the blue background.

View Square Credit Card Transactions on Square Dashboard

The green box area shows that the source of this transaction is "eCommerce Integrations" (i.e. Houfy). My Square email invoice transaction shows "invoices" as the source.

The red boxes show "Paid by: Unknown Name" on the Houfy transaction whereas on my Square email invoice transaction, my guest's name is listed.

The Houfy guest name does show up in the "Custom Amount" section in the red box area. This section also shows the total amount from Houfy. There is no breakdown showing rental charge, any fees and taxes. I'd have to go back to Houfy and look at my reservation record to see those details.

The Square email invoice detail includes a copy of the invoice with the specifics of the transaction. You'll know what portion of the collected amount is rent or taxes or fees.

The refund transactions also specify the source of the refund - either eCommerce Integrations or Invoices.. Both also include records of the original invoice/payment from which the refund is being issued. Again, the Square original invoice is detailed but the Houfy invoice is just a total originally charged.

At the bottom of this detail section (blue box) is the total transferred to my bank account and the value of the fee charged me and deducted from the guest's payment.

The Square fee is the same whether using Square Email Invoicing or eCommerce Integration with Houfy.

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