Pull On Your Boots And Start Hiking !
How to never have a serious poison ivy rash again
Urushiol oil in poison sumac, poison oak, and poison ivy may produce a severe skin rash. Timely urushiol removal can prevent poison ivy skin reaction. The key is to understand how poison ivy works. http://www.extremedeerhabitat.com/habitat-blog Jim Brauker, Ph.D., spent 25 years as a biomedical scientist studying skin inflammation.

Here's some easy to follow steps on how to identify and avoid these plants:

Pull On Your Boots And Start Hiking !
How to Identify Poison Ivy
Poison ivy is a common plant on the North American continent, noted for its ability to create an itchy rash on contact with skin. It is an extremely adaptable, persistent type of vegetation and as a result, it can be easy to accidentally...

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